"Ok, but how?"
By shifting the focus of your copy from you, to them.
'Them' being your potential customers or clients. Their needs, their wants and their problems.
Most (average) website copy, for example, focuses on how. "This is how our service works, this is how our product works, this is how good we are, etc. etc." Boring, boring, close tab.
Potential clients want to be told why you do what you do. They want to know that you understand why they need what they need.
By focusing more on the why, we tap into the root of the reason they’re seeking out your services.
They want to feel more understood, acknowledged, and secure. More confident in choosing you.
This is how we encourage engagement, more attention and ultimately more sales.
Why are they interested in your product or service in the first place?
Why–specifically–do they need it?
Why does your offer stand out?
Why should they choose you over your competitors?
If we answer these questions, and communicate your answers to potential clients clearly and authentically, they won’t just see you as another option – they’ll see you as the only option.
And once we nail the why, we can then focus on how your product or service solves their problem. Remember, you’re not just offering a great product or service, you’re offering the solution.
If you’d like to learn how we can help sell the solution and communicate your business better, let's chat.
You can email direct > hello@awcopywriting.com
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